Social Networking for Gamers

In the past, gaming was often a solitary activity. Players would spend hours in front of their screens, battling against computer-generated opponents. However, the advent of MMOs like Ultima Online, Lineage, EverQuest, and World of Warcraft transformed gaming into a highly social experience. These games allowed players to interact with real people, forming alliances, competing against each other, and tackling challenges together.

The Rise of MMOs

The shift from single-player to multiplayer games Jun88 Games has been significant. According to a report by Newzoo, the global MMO games market was valued at $23.5 billion in 2020 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.5% from 2021 to 2028 (source). This growth is driven by the increasing demand for social interaction within games, as players seek more engaging and immersive experiences.
Social Networks for Gamers
Early Platforms

As gaming became more social, there was a need for platforms that allowed players to connect outside of the game. One of the first social networks for gamers was CharacterPlanet, launched in 2006. Other platforms like GamerDNA, Raptr, and Rupture soon followed, each offering unique features to enhance the gaming experience.
The Role of Facebook and Kongregate

The explosive growth of platforms like Facebook and Kongregate further demonstrated the potential of social gaming. Facebook’s casual games attracted millions of players, while Kongregate provided a platform for indie developers to reach a broader audience. According to Statista, Facebook’s gaming revenue reached $2.27 billion in 2020 (source).
Conflicts of Interest and Platform Evolution
The Issue of Bias

As social networks for gamers evolved, conflicts of interest became a significant concern. For instance, Raptr’s creator, who also created Xfire, essentially remade the technology with a slight twist, leading to competition between the two platforms. Similarly, GamerDNA received venture funding and was later sold to CrispyGamer, while AvatarsUnited was acquired by Linden Labs, the creators of Second Life.

The Impact of Acquisitions

These acquisitions often led to biases, as the parent companies had vested interests in promoting their own products. For example, Rupture, created by Sean Fanning (the creator of Napster), was sold to EA for $30 million. EA’s influence was evident on Rupture’s front page, which prominently featured EA’s products.